We Stand For

Our promise to the people of PNG is to use ICT tools to help create a society where the government is more efficient in services delivery, transparent and emphatic towards its citizens


To harness the potential of ICT to make PNG become a smart networked and knowledgeable society by bringing government closer to the people through effective governance, improved service delivery and socio-economic growth. It is envisaged the use of ICT will;• Promote collaboration, interaction and participation;• Promote innovation and learning;• Provide an open and transparent government; and• Provide citizen-centres services, and knowledge-based industries. This vision is one where all citizens are empowered and can interact and collaborate with the Government.


Our mission is to transform how government learns, builds, delivers, and measures digital services in the 21st century. To do this, we provide people in the government with the tools, methods, practices, and policy guidance they need to deliver effective and accessible digital services. Moreover, to ensure the use of appropriate and affordable digital technologies through a transformative and inclusive approach across sectors of the economy for benefits of all.

Latest ICT News

Draft Media Development Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline the objectives and strategies for the use of media as a tool for development, such as the promotion of democracy, good governance, human rights, and social and economic development.

The Government recognises the role of media for a democratic society and as such, this policy is designed to conform to international norms and standards on freedom of expression, press freedom, and the protection of journalists, and should be designed to balance these rights with the need to protect the rights of others, such as privacy, security, and public order.

Digital Government Plan

The Digital Government Plan 2023 -2027 (‘the Plan’) has been approved by National Executive Council.

The  Plan leads on from the ICT Roadmap 2018, the PNG Digital Transformation Policy 2020 and the Digital Government Act 2022.
The Plan proposes to digitize and automate all of public service and make services:

1. Fast, simple and clear for the people;

2. Transparent and efficient by government;

3. Increase government revenue generation through the uptake of SME and foreign direct investments; and

4. Grow the digital economy 

Upcoming Events

Pacific ICT Ministers' Forum 2023 - Smart Pacific, One Voice


August 2023 (TBA)


APT Policy & Regulation Forum Pacific 2023

Port Moresby

29 -31 August 2023


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Contact Information

Dept of Information & Communication Technology
PO Box 784
Vision City, National Capital District, PNG

Phone: +675 3250171
Location: Islander Drive, Waigani Drive, NCD

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