Monday 10 July 2023

Minster for Finance and National Planning, Hon Rainbo Paita, commended the Department and Ministry of Information and Communications Technology for its involvement in formulating the Medium-Term Development Plan IV (MTDP IV).
In his address at the launch, Minister Paita expressed his appreciation for the efforts of ICT Minister Hon. Timothy Masiu and his team for their significant role in the formulation of the Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP IV)
Minister Paita also acknowledged Minister Masiu ,as the first state minister to arrive at the APEC Haus, emphasizing the ICT Ministry’s active involvement in the development of the MTDP IV, and praised Minister Masiu for his punctuality and highlighted his dedication to the ICT sector.
“Minister Masiu is the first one here, and him being here is because his department has been heavily involved with the formulation of the Plan,” Minister Paita stated.
Furthermore, Minister Paita specifically recognized the ICT Ministry’s contributions to the MTDP IV, and further mentioned the department’s efforts to launch 96 websites, to cater for all provinces and districts.
Minister Paita also highlighted a notable initiative by the Department of ICT: the development of a toll-free number to establish seamless connectivity between citizens and district offices or provincial governments via mobile devices.
This innovation aims to enhance communication and accessibility throughout the country.
The commendation by Minister Paita underscores the crucial role played by the Department of ICT in the successful formulation of the MTDP IV.
The collaborative efforts between the Ministry of Finance and National Planning and the Department of ICT signify a commitment to leveraging technology for the overall development of Papua New Guinea.
As the MTDP IV sets the strategic direction for the nation’s development in the medium term, the contribution of the Department of ICT is poised to drive progress and empower communities across provinces and districts, ushering in a new era of digital connectivity and government service delivery.