Thursday 27 April 2023

Girls and women should be given equal opportunity in digital space in the public workforce, according to the Deputy Secretary, Digital Government and Information Delivery Wing Mr Russell Woruba, when addressing participants at the Girls in ICT Day Forum , to celebrate the Day, at the Stanley Hotel, Port Moresby today.
“Digital Skills add value to life,” said Mr Woruba.
He said there are other skills in the past years which have been regarded as ‘optional’, however, it is not the same with digital skills.
“It is a must in today’s technology driven age as nearly all sectors and industries are adopting tech so skills in ICT are a must.
“When you are thinking of solutions to your everyday challenges, think digital; hence we cannot over-emphasis enough on digital skills for girls and any other citizens for that matter.
“ We need these skills in government, private and civil sectors to engage and add value to our citizens and businesses, said Mr Woruba.
He encouraged female students from respective schools within the National Capital District who were present in the Forum, to pursue careers in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), particularly in the realm of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
The National Information and Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) Board Chairman Mr Noel Mobiha, who championed the introduction of internet services into Papua New Guinea in 1993, encouraged all female participants, never to give up and never to be afraid of making mistakes in their lives, “because this is our country.”
“Look at what’s outside, what our people have then we can build the model in our own way. We do it our way,” said Mr Mobiha.