Wednesday 19th April 2023
Minsiter for Information and Communications Technology Hon. Timothy Masiu has commended the National Broadcasting Cooperation’s (NBC) coverage of former Prime Minister and Senior Statesman, the Late Rt. Hon. Sir Rabbie Namaliu’s funeral and burial service yesterday (Tuesday 18 April).
“Starting with the coverage in Kokopo last Thursday (13/04/23) and yesterday (Tuesday 18 April) in Port Moresby, the live coverage provided by the NBC has been excellent,” Minsiter Masiu said.
“This has enabled people who could not be in either Kokopo or Port Moresby to tune in and listen or watch the service on television.
“This has enabled them to pay their last respects to a leader and Statesman who had touched and influence them in many positive ways throughout his illustrious career.”
Minister Masiu said the NBC coverage was also streamed live and received outside PNG by friends and contemporaries of the late fourth Prime Minsiter of PNG.
“NBC’s successful coverage of this national event again demonstrated the key role that the national broadcaster plays in nation building and unifying our citizens,” he said.
“While the passing of Sir Rabbie was a sad occasion, the follow – on funeral service and burial was meant to celebrate his achievements as well as contribution to the nation.
“As minister responsible. I am pleased that NBC was able to broadcast this celebration of his full life, to the people of PNG and beyond.
Minister Masiu commended and praised the staff off NBC involved, either directly or indirectly in making this a hugely successful broadcast.