Thursday 6 June 2024

A new policy framework is needed to integrate data collection and analysis from various sectors, including government, private sector, and global partners, according to Teachers Service Commissioner, Operations Mr. Maini Mike Ugaia.

“We need to have a robust new policy framework that integrates data collection and analysis from all sectors,” said Mr. Ugaia.

“We want to be able to make evidence-based decisions, but we need more data from all sectors to be able to do that.”

Mr. Ugaia pointed out that currently, different entities collect data independently, which can lead to duplication and inefficiency.

“We need to have a coordinated system that allows us to collect and analyze data in a more streamlined way,” he said.

Mr Ugaia also emphasized the importance of automating the process of collecting and analyzing data.

“We want to be able to automate the process of collecting and analyzing data so that we can reduce the time it takes to get the information we need.”

The Teachers Service Commission is working towards establishing a new system that will integrate data collection and analysis from all sectors.

Mr Ugaia envisioned a system that allows collection and analyzing of data in a more coordinated way, so that better decisions are made.

He also highlighted the importance of having a robust data management system in place.

“We need to have a robust data management system that can handle large amounts of data and provide accurate and reliable information,” he said.

Mr. Ugaia added that there is a need for a new policy framework that integrates data collection and analysis from all sectors.

“We need to have a new policy framework that integrates data collection and analysis from all sectors, so that we can make evidence-based decisions and improve our performance,” he said.

Mr Ugaia was among presenters at the Data Governance workshop held in Port Moresby, and ended on 5 June.

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