Friday, 18 November 2022
Minister for Information and Communications Technology Hon. Timothy Masiu has encouraged the 453 graduands of Lae Secondary School, Morobe Province, to know about the challenges and opportunities that come after graduating.
In his keynote address yesterday, (Thursday 17 November 2022), Mr Masiu, on behalf of Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Lae Open Hon. John Rosso, further urged the graduands to become better citizens of the country.
“Look after your young lives, remain safe and know challenges and opportunities that will bring tomorrow as you exit from higher school system, and be always mindful of challenges that lay ahead,’’ Minister Masiu encouraged the graduands.
He said few students graduating will be eligible to pursue their studies in tertiary institutions while many will be absorbed by the technical education system.
“Out of every ten graduands, four will enter higher education system, while other six will enter the technical or informal sector.”
He said in the context of the 2021 school year, there were 26 554 Grade 12 students but only 9862 were selected for higher education
“This left a further 16 872 students out of the higher education space and this is a very sad indictment of our present education system that cannot be left unattended anymore,” he said.
“It is an issue we all must all work together to seriously address and I encourage you all to aspire to undertake further tertiary studies.
“I’m pleased to remind you all that in December 2019, the Marape – Rosso government initiated the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), and it is intended to support parents, with additional funds to pay their children’s school fees.
“It runs alongside Tertiary Education Students Assistance Scheme (TESAS).”
Minister Masiu further encourages students to consider options, opportunities that are made available in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Flexible Distance & Open Education (FODE).
“Be assured in the knowledge that all routes lead to one purpose – and that is you must live a meaningful and a purposeful life for yourself and those around you,” he stated.
“Marape – Rosso government’s focus, whether it be formal or informal education sector is, ‘not to leave any child behind’.
He said as Minister responsible for Information and Communications Technology, a very important sector, the department is now preparing the country to go digital in a very big way.
“We now have the Digital Government Act 2022, that will among other things, harness and involve the younger generations in nation-building,” he further stated.
“We are in the process of making more government information and applications online for easier and quicker access.
“The government believe that a better, informed population, through enhanced online information flow will appreciate and understand life issues better.
Minister Masiu further stated that students graduating should set their visions on what they want to do in life, which will give them greater purpose and help them focus on their future.
“Associate only with friends and professionals that will help you grow against the level you have set and you must be willing to step out of your comfort zone.
“Have vision, fly high, be fearless, be persistent, stay positive, have vitality, and remember the importance of empowerment.”