Friday 20 October, 2023

DICT participating staff with their PACSON merchandise, celebrating the cyber security awareness month which falls in October.
“Humans are without a doubt the weakest link in cybersecurity.”
Executive Manger Cyber Security Ms. Georgina Kiele made this bold statement during the Department of Information and Communications Technology’s Cyber Security in-house awareness campaign, as DICT joins the global campaign to observe Cyber Security Awareness Month.
Ms Kiele said emphasised that, “no matter how good your technological defenses, such as a firewall, IPS, or IDS, are, a determined attacker can always get around them if they can persuade or bribe a member of your staff into giving them access.”
Cyber Month is an internationally recognized campaign held each October to help the public learn more about the importance of cyber security.
Ms. Kiele opened the presentation with examples of global cyber attacks and identified the different types of hacking that attackers use.
Following the presentation along Ms. Kiele was Manager Cybersecurity Mr. Hamilton Vagi, Senior Cybersecurity Analyst Mr. Norbert Wanit and Cyber Analyst Ms. Beverly Manoa.
With the theme: “Step up your cyber fitness” the presentation was based on how to uphold privacy, upscale back up and recovery, uplift data security, upsize password, upgrade to two-factor authentication and update apps and software.
According to Mr. Vagi, cyber is real and so everyone should be mindful of how they use the internet.
He said it is very important to use our conscience mind and not click suspicious clinks to open up the gateway for hackers to attack.
DICT staff participated in the presentation through questions and answers for amazing Pacific Cyber Security Operational Network (PaCSON) merchandise.
DICT, in partnership with the National Information Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) and PaCSON, are raising awareness on the significance of cyber security and its impact on the users, during the month of October.